"Wear the perfume!" in your home

Let's start "living" in our homes

Our homes are our haven. However, sometimes I think we exist in them instead of really LIVE! Let's begin to "WEAR THE PERFUME!" in our homes.

let's "wear the perfume!"in our homes!

home is our haven

My love for home

Every since I was a kid, I loved homes. I would draw homes - not well - but I tried. I was mesmerized by homes that had basements! HA! As I got older, I really studied home decor magazines. 
As life went on, my hubby and I built 2 homes of our own. I also sold home decor as a profession. I now own a residential construction company with my genius, general contractor hubby, Brad. 
What I've come to realize...we may have these homes - our place of refuge. However, we may not really "live" fully in them. For example, USE the good dishes for everyday dinner, use the formal living room, invite people over more often. Let's LIVE!

My life experience and professional experience can help you come up with ideas on how to use your home to "WEAR THE PERFUME!"!

"wear the perfume!" at home:


Use things in your home that you don't use on the regular. I will be providing ideas on how to "WEAR THE PERFUME!" by using what you have!
Follow @weartheperfume on social!


Invite people into your home! We get caught up in life and forget to invite people over just for FUN!  Our home is a gift - share that gift with others. STAY TUNED for ideas on how to 'WEAR THE PERFUME!" by inviting others into your home.


Create a new space or build your dream home! IDEAS will be flowing on how to "WEAR THE PERFUME!" in your home through a remodel or new build! Follow @weartheperfume on social!


Don't miss anything!

You don't want to miss anything!  Go ahead and get your information entered. I will email you any updates, new opportunities or just FUN stuff! I would love to have you as part of the community!

To "WEAR THE PERFUME!" we have to live life NOW! Get on the e-mail list of FUN and LAVISH living!

yes, I'm in!

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All things business, travel, home and inspiration can be found on the "WEAR THE PERFUME!" insta account. Come and join the FUN!
